001. HP Farewell
Submitted by mgmay281 on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 11:30HP Farewell:
HP Farewell
by Michael J. Genevro (June 14, 2002)
Farewell E-mail to Friends at HP:
Today, June 14, 2002 is my last day at Hewlett-Packard.
I am taking early retirement.
I wish that I had had the opportunity to speak with each of you individually, but my time here at HP has run out.
As most of you already know, many years ago, my father was the service manager of the Cadillac dealership in Palo Alto. One of his customers was Dave Packard. Dave and my father sometimes talked about HP. Dave told my father: "We tried to create a kind of family environment at the company. We believed that if you brought in the right people and created the right environment, everything else would work out."
You - and others who have departed before today - have been my family on the job during the past 20 years. Our work together has been the music of my life. I thank each of you for sharing a little of your lives with me. I thank each of you for allowing me to share a little of my life with you.
Over the years, I have learned that we cannot predict the twists and turns, the ups and downs, of our life paths. For now, our paths are diverging. Some of you are retiring; others are staying. The path is leading me to spend more time with my family, my wife, our four children, my parents, my brothers and with my friends. For me, the path is leading me to explore consulting and art, photography, music and writing -- and to try to re-connect with the spiritual side of work that defined my years of teaching in the elementary schools.
I do not know what the future holds. Perhaps our paths will cross again.
For now, farewell. Thank you
--- Until we meet again.
- Mike